New Generation Eco-friendly Parts Washer

We have developed the ROwasher to provide the best in eco-friendly cleaning, keeping users health and safety at the forefront of our innovation, whilst allowing customers to save energy, reduce waste and increase environmental benefits.

  • Robust, ergonomic design
  • Double-skinned tank for strength, energy savings and reduced fluid usage
  • Heats solution to 42°C, thermostatically controlled
  • Powerful adjustable liquid flow rate via nozzle and brush
  • Built-in,energy saving Eco-Mode
  • Automatic safety switch-off if minimum solution level reached
  • All electrical parts housed in a fully removable module for easy maintenance
  • User-friendly, designed to be easily maintained in-house
  • Static, Mobile, Large Sink models
  • Made in the UK, full stock of parts available


  • ROHS
  • IP65
  • EN60335
  • EN61000
  • EN ISO 12100:2010
  • European Machinery Directive MD2006/42/EC

Why Choose ROwasher?

Suits the Way You Work

We have a range of ROwashers to suit any workshop cleaning requirement from a Static machine, to a Mobile ROwasher that can be wheeled to where cleaning is needed; and an XL sink for larger parts or when a two person workstation is more efficient.

Robust Double Skinned Tank

The parts cleaner machine is ergonomically designed to enhance thermal properties saving money in energy consumption and fluid usage. Maximises the load capability of the commercial parts cleaner while maintaining operator comfort and easy use.

Built-In Energy Saving Eco Mode

The industrial parts washer features a built-in energy saving Eco-Mode designed to reduce ROwasher`s energy consumption. When not in use, after four hours ROwasher`s temperature level drops from 42°C to 37°C bringing significant cost savings and environmental advantage.

Removable Control Box

All of ROwasher`s electrical parts are housed in an easily removable unit. The benefit to the customer is next day delivery of replacement part if you do experience machine failure. The unit can simply be swapped over without the need of a service callout and extended downtime.

Our Innovation

Bioremediating parts washers have been around for decades but the commercial parts washer, ROwasher, is the first UK designed and manufactured machine and is the first sign of innovation on the market in all that time.

Our customers asked for a more sustainable cleaning solution that reduced running costs, power consumption, and consumable usage, with a fluid that stays cleaner for longer.

We partnered with a leading R&D facility, the University of Wolverhampton, to design, develop and manufacture the new generation bioremediating parts washer, ROwasher, and its consumables.

The cost benefits of ROwasher have been put through rigorous tests in controlled laboratory trials and we know that the running costs are the lowest compared to all other commercial parts washers on the market, using 54% less energy than a leading competitor.

This means the ROwasher is an industrial parts cleaner that guarantees a reassuring saving on your electricity bill.
